Donate to AKArama Foundation.  If you chose a specific fund, enter the Fund name in the memo line. If you do not designate a fund, the monies will go toward our General Fund which supports our programs.

AKArama Foundation Donations can be designated to the following Funds

General Funds (Programs)
Building Fund (mortgage)
HBCU Student Emergency Fund
Scholarship Funds
AKArama General Scholarship
Ruth Montrose Scholarship
Linda M. White Scholarship
Dorothy D. Houston Scholarship
Mary Brock Scholarship
Rita D. Wilson Scholarship
Virginia Scott Brown Scholarship
Carrie Lou Payne Scholarship
James Family Memorial Scholarship
Peggy Duke Scholarship
Barbara Guilbeaux Continuing Scholar Scholarship
Patricia A. Jones Scholarship
Ruth B. Coleman Scholarship
Jacqueline B. Vaughn Scholarship
Julia Smith Scholarship

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